Mr. YAN Dinan, Wushu & Sanda World president

WKF Sanda LogoWushu5The WKF SANDA & WUSHU DIVISION was formed in February 2015.
World president is Mr. YAN DINAN from WKF CHINA
This includes all Sanda male/female fighters, fill in the online profile, add a jpg photo to be listed in the SANDA World ranking.
For professionals we offer exclusive SANDA title belts.  For Wushu we have our WKF Wushu forms and more !
The World Kickboxing Federation is the leading organisation World Wide in the promotion of amateur and professional kickboxing in all styles, Muay Thai and MMA -mixed martial arts hosting professional fighting events.
WKF CHINA international

Our modern and interactive approach to this sport highlights our commitment to keeping you updated with the latest events taking place worldwide.